Friday, July 9, 2010

First full day

Yesterday was my first full day in Bangkok. It is kinda of like being dropped off on planet Mars. I took a motorcycle taxi to the grocery store and bought the essentials:

1-6 pack of Coke Cola

2 Big bottles of Beer

Kettle chips

Weird but yummy Asian crackers

Cut watermelon

2 Green Apples


Waterproof mascara

Earl Grey tea

Sugar cubes

I also replaced my cell phone and got a sims card and a local phone number.

I spent $33.00 at the grocery store I spent $20.00 on the cell phone. I will try to get pictures up soon, however, my camera is old and not being very cooperative.

I thought English would be everywhere, its not. And my Thai doesn't exist. Crazy what hand gestures will and won't get you.

My luggage is in San Francisco. Its suppose to fly in tonight. Just in time I need clean underwear.

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