Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Well, maybe I'm crazy...

Well, maybe I'm crazy for doing this. I thought it would be really nice to get a foot massage and see a movie at the mall, easy no problem. Except that the mall closed while I was watching the movie. I couldn't leave out the same door I came in. The mall is the size of a football stadium. I couldn't even find the ground floor. I ended up on the second floor loading dock, practically begging for a taxi. And pretending I don't understand that he (the nice mall cop) wants me to go somewhere else to beg for my taxi. However, even though I know he wants me to go away, I don't know where to go because it is raining cats and dogs. So, I stand there and look stuipd, not hard at that moment. He finally gets me the taxi. Oh thank god I can go back to my hotel. Except the taxi driver has no idea how to get to my hotel and either do I.  We have something in common. I call the hotel and have them talk to the taxi driver. As he starts to drive I recognize the street that is near my hotel. However, he is going the wrong way. I tell him you're going the wrong way, by pointing and grunting. He turns around in the middle of crazy Bangkok traffic, almost causing an accident with a motor scooter carrying a family of five. Deep breath, I made it home, nobody died and I know not to go to the late show at the mall.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your descriptive writing of events makes me feel like I'm watching a movie! So, I'm trying to think of what actress would play you?